Before you do anything,it's important to make sure your nails and the skin around them are thoroughly dirt-free.Then remove all the traces of your last color.Apply soap to a toothbrush,then gently scrubbing your nails and skin.This will remove dirt and exfoliate and dead skin without the need for harsh,drying chemicals or expensive scrubs.
2. She Trims Regularly
Regular trims are as important to your nails as they are to your hair.So set aside time to clip them every two weeks,adjusting to make or less often once you see how your nails respond.
3. She Values Health Over Length
4. She Does't Cut Her Cuticles
The cuticle has a very important purpose to serve.It seals the area at the base of the nail.When you cut or remove the cuticle,it breaks that seal of protection,leaving you vulnerable to bacteria and the possibility of infection.The better you are at leaving cuticles alone,the more your nails will thank you.But if you are dead set on messing with them,gently pushing back the cuticle once a week with a wooden orange skin after getting out of the shower,then massaging them with a cuticle cream.
5. She Always Moisturizes
You wouldn't go to sleep without moisturizing your face,so why should your nails be any different?Nails artist and experts like to use a mixture of almond and avocado oils to keep cuticles and nails hydrated while she gets some shut-eye,but any nutrient-rich oil or moisturizer will do.In a pinch,you can even use a dab of lip balm.
6. She Uses Protection
Gloves ladies gloves___get your mind out of the gutter!Whenever you're cleaning with harsh chemicals,gardening or doing anything that involves soaking or dirting your hands wear rubber or plastic gloves,preferably with a cotton liner.Cleaning dishes in hot soapy water weakens the nails.Similarly,that in cold weather,remember to wear a pair of mittens or gloves.
7. She Consider Her Diet
Your fingernails are made of a protein called KERATIN,so just as with the clarity of your skin or the ,shine of your hairs,you can improve your nails by tweaking your diet.Adding vitamins and supplements like Vitamin E.
posted by:Aleene Atif
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